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UK organisations

BBRC (British Birds Rarities Committee)
BOU (British Ornithologists' Union)
BTO (British Trust For Ornithology)
RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
SOC (Scottish Ornithologists' Club)
Wildlife Trusts
WOS (Welsh Ornithological Society)

UK journals/magazines

British Birds - monthly journal for birders and professional ornithologists
Ibis - BOU quarterly journal of avian science
Bird Study - BTO Quarterly journal: The science of pure and applied ornithology
Bird Watching - monthly birdwatching magazine
Birdwatch - monthly birdwatching magazine

Other organisations

AOU (American Ornithologists' Union
BirdLife International
International Wader Studies
OMPO (Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic)
Wetlands International

Online bookshops

NHBS (Everything for wildlife, science & environment)
Subbuteo Natural History Books
WildSounds - books and multimedia guides
Calluna Books - out of print natural history books
C. Arden - natural history, ornithology, gardening, botany and beekeeping
Hawkridge Books - specialising in ornithology and natural history

Last updated December 2013