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Books about Redstarts

The books are listed in order of publication date with the most recent at the top.

Redstart taxonomy

The redstarts were formerly classified as members of the thrush family Turdidae and are therefore included in some books about thrushes.

However the redstarts have recently been reclassified and are now considered to be related to the old-world flycatcher family.

These old-world redstarts are not related to the new-world redstarts.


Family: Mucicapidae
- Phoenicurus
- Chaimarrornis
- Rhyacornis
- Hodgsonius

In the UK:

Common Redstart
Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Black Redstart
Phoenicurus ochruros

Other redstarts:

Przevalski's Redstart
Phoenicurus alaschanicus

Eversmann's Redstart
Phoenicurus erythronotus

Blue-capped Redstart
Phoenicurus caeruleocephala

Hodgson's Redstart
Phoenicurus hodgsoni

White-throated Redstart
Phoenicurus schisticeps

Daurian Redstart
Phoenicurus auroreus

Moussier's Redstart
Phoenicurus moussieri

Güldenstädt's Redstart
Phoenicurus erythrogastrus

Blue-fronted Redstart
Phoenicurus frontalis

White-capped Redstart
Chaimarrornis leucocephalus

Plumbeous Redstart
Rhyacornis fuliginosus

Luzon Redstart
Rhyacornis bicolor

White-bellied Redstart
Hodgsonius phaenicuroides


Robins and Chats

Peter Clement and Chris Rose

Christopher Helm


"This authoritative handbook, part of the Helm Identification Guides series, looks in detail at the world's 170 species of robins and chats. This large family of small passerines was formerly considered to be part of the thrush family (Turdidae), but is now usually treated as a separate family, Muscicapidae, together with the Old World flycatchers. The vast majority of species are Eurasian or African, with only a handful of species straying into the New World or Australasia. The Australian Robins, although superficially similar, have long been regarded as a separate family. Robins and chats are a diverse family comprising both highly colourful and visible species, such as the robin-chats of Africa, as well as some of the most skulking and elusive birds, such as the shortwings of Asia. Many chats, such as the well-known Nightingale, are renowned songsters, and a good number are highly sought-after by world listers for their extreme rarity or simply because they are hard to see. This book discusses the identification and habits of these birds on a species-by-species basis, bringing together the very latest research with accurate range maps, more than 600 stunning colour photographs that illustrate age and racial plumage differences, and 64 superb colour plates by the internationally renowned artist, Chris Rose."

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Peter Clement

Illustrations: Ren Hathway

Additional illustrations: Clive Byers and Jan Wilczur

Princeton University Press


"This is the first book in nearly one hundred years that is solely devoted to thrushes, one of the most widespread and well-known families of birds in the world. It treats comprehensively the world's 162 species of true thrushes and covers some of the best-known garden species as well as some of the rarest and most elusive of all birds. It also includes some of the most musically accomplished singers of any bird family. The book contains a wealth of detailed information on identification and distribution, with a full description of each species, including reference to all recognized races. Emphasis is given to vocalizations-often the key to identifying thrush species. Habitat and range for all species, together with information on movements and breeding behavior, are also covered. For the first time, all species in the family of Turdidae thrushes are described and illustrated in full color. These superb illustrations are complemented by line drawings depicting particular aspects of shape or plumage. The 60 color plates comprise approximately 540 images, covering all but one, long-extinct species. The depictions differentiate adults, immatures, and most of the distinctive races. The plates are accompanied by color maps showing the breeding and wintering range for each species. The detailed and accurate text and spectacular color illustrations will make this book indispensable to all ornithologists and birders. This will be, undoubtedly, the standard work on thrushes for many years to come."

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Peter Clement

Illustrations: Ren Hathway

Christopher Helm


Covers the 162 species in the family Turdidae. Includes 60 colour plates which show all species with immature birds and distinct races. Additional line drawings highlight aspects of shape or plumage. Colour distribution maps show the breeding and wintering range for each species. The text includes information about identification, geographical variation, voice, status and distribution, movements, habitat, behavior, and measurements for all species.

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Site Action Plan for Black Redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros in the Deptford Creek Area, Greenwich, London

S.J. Holloway & D.E. Glue

BTO Report 212

British Trust For Ornithology


"This study, commissioned by Ove Arup Environmental, provides a site action plan for nesting Black Redstarts at Greenwich Reach East, London, with the aim of maintaining the population after site redevelopment. The UK status and the breeding biology of the Black Redstart are reviewed A visit was made in October 1998 to the proposed redevelopment site and also to several sites in the immediate vicinity where Black Redstarts are currently known to breed. Suggested mitigation measures include the provision of artificial nestboxes, the maintenance of existing nest sites wherever possible, and the retention and maintenance of as many of the existing foraging areas as possible. Potential new foraging areas should be created, e.g. by covering flat roofs with gravel.

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Site Action Plan for Black Redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros in the Deptford Creek Area

K. Evans

BTO Report 228

British Trust For Ornithology


"The area around Deptford Power Station is in the process of being redeveloped. In late June 1997 a local ornithologist observed Black Redstarts in the area. This species is a rare breeding bird in Britain and is fully protected by legislation through its listing in Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981). The site manager was informed and demolition work was halted. Detailed ornithological survey work reveal ed the presence of two females and one male. Later it was established that the nest was not located in the buildings that were due for demolition. Development work recommenced and at least four young fledged successfully. A wide range of further development work is planned for the site which could adversely affect the Black Redstarts through disturbance and habitat change. This Site Action Plan provides information on the status and biology of Black Redstarts, the impact of the site development as planned and suggests methods for ensuring that the site remains suitable for Black Redstarts.

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The Redstart

John Buxton


The New Naturalist Monograph 2


For five years during the second world-war John Buxton was a prisoner in a German POW camp. During this time he studied the life of the animals around him, focusing on the Redstart. This book was the result of his studies.

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Last updated September 2013